About Us

Carp Fishing

Enjoy Carp fishing with Nancy Fishing Tools

Sea Fishing

Ensure safe sea fishing with our fishing tools

Pole Fishing

Get a rewarding fishing experience with pole fishing

Fly Fishing

Catch fish with artificial flies through fly fishing
Since our inception in the year 2005, as a Sporting Goods (Cricket,Foot balls,Table Tennis, & Badminton Accessories etc) manufacturer, we diversified into the business of Sport-fishing goods and launched the company under the name of Nancy Fishing Tools to cater to the global tackle market.
The very notion of fishing brings to mind Rod, Reel, Line,Bait, Hook and Sinker,but in India the domestic market for Sport-fishing is very small in volume so the high-end Rods and Reels are not produced here. The assorted products in Fishing Tackle accessories are manufactured and exported from India and they have made their impact in Europe, USA, Australia and even in Latin America.

We have also started to approach the same market in Tackle Export and broaden our horizons in the manufacture and export of fishing tackle from India.
Apart from those items which are commonly exported from India,we can also develop any special tackle item for our customers on getting specifications,drawing or original sample with full confidence and supply that particular item on approval of counter sample.

We hope you will go through our website and and see our range in fly-fishing and carp-fishing tackle and accessories.We are going to bring our printed CATALOGUE very shortly, which will be sent to you on your advice. However, you can place order of all the items which you find in the website by mentioning product’s item code. Please note that in the website there are selected items and our full range will be available in our CATALOGUE/CD.

We have full arrangement of packing solutions and printing option for headercards, labels, text and even barcode. The products can be supplied either in bulk without any branding or in ready-to-retail individual header card packing as per customers`request.

We shall be glad to receive any suggestions for improvements from you regarding our site or ultimately on getting our Printed Catalogue which will come out very shortly.